LISA Millionaire
One Investor, 20 Years, £1,000,000 Update Sunday 8th March 2020

In the update last week I mentioned "a couple of positions above which are definitely candidates for expulsion".

These two positions were closed on Tuesday as they were showing exceptional weakness compared to the other shares I hold.

Their percentage losses were so much larger it's almost as if they were both saying "look at me, I'm losing money far quicker than the others around me, do something!"

The first was LM016 or William Hill (WMH) which I had originally bought mainly because the price had moved above the 200 day simple moving average but also because I wanted to own a bookmaker's shares. In hindsight this was probably not a good idea as the government seems determined to run all the bookmakers down whilst claiming to be protecting gambling addicts.

William Hill's price had moved back below the 200 day SMA and stayed there for 3 days so I saw that as a clear sign they were not worth keeping.

WMH's price continued tumbling all week so I am glad I got out when I did. The small loss of around 15% I am pretty sure I can live with.

Next up we had LM019 or Ryanair (RYA). This share's price had been going up rather nicely and making new 52 week highs but it's dropped more than 25% in the past few days. In cases like this I will put it to a test - would I buy this share if I didn't already own it?

The answer was a cast-iron NO so I also sold RYA on Tuesday morning to cement a loss.

Easy come, easy go.

The LISA Millionaire portfolio, as at close of play on Friday 6th March 2020:

Code Sector Date Bought Cost Value Gain/Loss
Equity Investment Instruments 11/06/2018
£2020 £2130 5.59%
Gas, Water & Multiutilities 05/02/2019
£2020 £2150 5.93%
Real Estate Investment Trusts 20/05/2019
£2030 £2280 11.91%
ETF 17/06/2019
£1950 £2900 48.56%
LM015 ETF 27/08/2019 £970 £970 0.88%
LM018 Construction & Materials 11/11/2019 £1020 £950 (6.32%)
LM020 Software & Computer Services 28/11/2019 £1010 £940 (6.85%)
LM022 Household Goods 29/01/2020 £1020 £910 (10.44%)

As you are already aware, this site exists as a record of my attempt to become a LISA Millionaire. LISAs have only been around for three years and so the max that anyone could've paid into one is £15,000. In short, it would be extremely impressive if anyone was a LISA Millionaire at this point.

Standard ISAs have been around for many years and so there has been plenty of time for someone to build up their ISA to a point that they are now an ISA Millionaire.

Here's an article with advice from 3 people who have managed to do just that:

The surprisingly boring secrets of ISA millionaires

I read the article which was reassuring as I'm certainly not overtrading, I'm maxing out my LISA and I'm in it for the long haul. Good signs I hope!

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