LISA Millionaire
One Investor, 20 Years, £1,000,000 Update Sunday 5th January 2020

The first end of week (EOW) update. Here I'll show all my positions and the overall state of the portfolio.

As mentioned previously, I won't be disclosing the share names as I have no interest in being accused of offering financial advice and getting hassle from any kind of agency - read Jonathan Maitland's book to find out why he was summoned for a meeting soon after launching his website.

I've rounded all costs and value amounts to the nearest £10 to make it simpler.

Code Sector Date Bought Cost Value Gain/Loss
Equity Investment Instruments 11/06/2018
£2020 £2210 9.11%
LM009 Gas, Water & Multiutilities 05/02/2019 £1010 £1140 12.33%
Real Estate Investment Trusts 20/05/2019
£2030 £2290 12.50%
ETF 17/06/2019
£1950 £2270 16.3%
LM015 ETF 27/08/2019 £970 £900 (6.9%)
LM016 Travel & Leisure 29/08/2019 £1020 £1100 8.6%
LM017 Media 11/09/2019 £1000 £1030 2.4%
LM018 Construction & Materials 11/11/2019 £1020 £1150 13.7%
LM019 Travel & Leisure 11/11/2019 £1020 £1040 2.1%
LM020 Software & Computer Services 28/11/2019 £1010 £1050 3.5%
LM021 ETF 16/12/2019 £1010 £1050 4.2%

I'm sure that new readers will look at this update and immediately have several questions. As this diary will be ongoing many of these questions will be answered in time. For example some trades have two entry points, I haven't mentioned which specific share or ETF I've invested in, there's no indication of what decisions or criteria caused me to make these investments and so on.

As the site grows these will all be expanded on. For now, I'll just cover a little about what checks are carried out on the investments.

Typically I'll log into my online account once a day on weekdays, usually in the morning, to check on the progress. So far I've only ever had to make a decision to sell once during these checks.

The share was A.G. Barr (BAG) who are known for making Irn-Bru. I logged in on the 17th July 2019 and saw the price had dropped 28% the previous day:

Image of BAG share price chart

As you can see, the price dropped dramatically after a nice steady increase for several months. I sold immediately and it has done nothing, except maybe decline a little more, ever since.

Aside from the 5 minute daily check I do a more thorough check of all my open positions over the weekend. For this I look at the charts, compare the price to two moving averages (50 day and 200 day) and in the case of commodities I will look at some shorter term indicators such as the 40 day highest high and the 20 day lowest low.

It is from these weekend checks that I will tend to make a decision to close a trade the following week.


So far I have only ever gone long - traded with the expectation of a price rise in the particular share or ETF. I've yet to go short - bet on the price going down. I am aware of the existence of inverse ETFs but haven't seriously looked into them so far.

On a weekend I will also look for new opportunities to purchase the following week. Recently this hasn't been a priority because I am fully invested. I will need to close a position in order to invest in something new and as you can see from the table above, almost all my positions are in positive territory. The one trade that is currently in a losing position isn't anywhere close to being sold so I am waiting patiently and, truth be told, doing very little.

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